Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief | Hossein Kazemi, CISDM/Isenberg School of Management and University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Editor | Mark Anson, CAIA, Commonfund
Editor | Bing Liang, CISDM/Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Editor | Mila Getmansky Sherman, CISDM/Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Editor | Rodney Sullivan, CAIA, Mayo Center for Asset Management, Univeristy of Virginia Darden School of Business
Assistant Editor | Patricia L. Bonnett, Institute for Global Asset and Risk Management
Assistant Editor | Kathryn Wilkens, Pearl Quest LLC
Noël Amenc | EDHEC-Risk Institute
M. Jane Buchan, CAIA | Martlet Asset Management, LLC
Garry Crowder | Institute For Global Asset And Risk Management
Darren Foreman, CAIA | Public School Employees' Retirement System of Pennsylvania
Helyette Geman | University of London, & Johns Hopkins University
Joanne Hill | Cboe Vest
Andrew W. Lo | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thomas Schneeweis | Institute for Global Asset and Risk Management
Richard Spurgin | Clark University
Roger M. Stein | MIT Sloan School of Management
Jayesh Bhansali, CAIA | IRIQIV LLC
Keith Black, CAIA | Chartered Alternative Investment Analysts Association
Frédéric Blanc-Brude | EDHEC Asia Pacific & EDHEC Infrastructure Institute
David Blitz | Robeco Asset Management
Gregory Brown | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Charles Cao | The Smeal College of Business, The Penn State University
Donald R. Chambers, CAIA | Biltmore Capital Advisors
Douglas J. Cumming | Florida Atlantic University
Bastian Hertstein, CAIA | Government of Jersey
Roni Israelov | NDVR, Inc.
Kathryn M. Kaminski, CAIA | AlphaSimplex Group LLC
Will Kinlaw | State Street Associates
Gueorgui S. Konstantinov, CAIA | Resonanz Capital
Mark Kritzman | Windham Capital Management
Jim Kyung-Soo Liew | Johns Hopkins Carey Business School & Sokat.com
Lionel Martellini | EDHEC-Risk Institute
George A. Martin | Alternative Investment Analytics, LLC
David McCarthy | D.F. McCarthy, LLC
Ashby Monk | Stanford University
Venkatesh Panchapagesan | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Ludovic Phalippou | Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Mark S. Rzepczynski | Amphi Capital Markets, LLC
Edward Szado | Providence College
Anna Totdahl, CAIA | Oregon State Treasury
David Turkington | State Street Associates